Cooperation with the designer
The characteristics of Bossong anchorages are defined on the base of the specific parameters of each single project, as well as the dimensions of the hole they must be embedded in, that depend on the type of material constituting the substrate.
The change of information relating to the knowledge of the building’s state of preservation and of the aims of the provided interventions, drawings and pictures, the pattern of cracks and deformations, as well as the design of interventions, are very important to define the type of anchor that better fits the application and also to evaluate the intervention from the economic point of view.
Tests in place
The need to give to design engineers the possibility of an assessment of the behaviour of injected anchors in a particular application and in a specific setting has lead Bossong to equip its technician with a mobile instrumentation that allows the execution of on-site tests.
Pull out tests on sample of injected anchors can be required by the design engineers and carried on both during the preliminary steps, to obtain data for the design and dimensioning of the anchors and as a final test, after the execution of the intervention.
For the installation of anchors it is necessary to use a specific equipment which should be dotation od Anchors Installers; if not, Bossong will be able to rent out the equipment for the execution of the injection works. The Installers must keep all the equipment in good and clean conditions both during works than before the withdraw and provide the storage in a safe place during the all period of use.