Installation of chemical anchors


1) Drill the hole and check it’s perpendicularity.

2) Blow the hole with an appropriate pump blower (or compression air), clean the lateral surface of the hole with an appropriate steel brush, blow again in the hole until there is no dust and/or any residual material inside. We strongly recommend use of the steel brush to clean hole sides, especially in the presence of water.

3) Unscrew the front cup, screw on the mixer and insert the cartridge in the gun. Use protections for hands and face. With the size 300 ml and 165 ml, unscrew the front cup, pull-out the steel closing clip according to the following operations:
- insert the mixer in the eye of the plastic extractor,
- pull the extractor to unhook the steel closing clip of the foil.
After that, screw on the mixer and insert the cartridge in the gun. Use protections for hands and face. Remember to eject a first part of the product, see point 4. With the new version 165 ml. with tubolar foil (old version 150 ml.) the piston is not required.

4) Before starting to use the cartridge, eject a first part of the product, being sure that:
- Trough the mixer (transparent) see that the flux of product is compound of the part A (white colour) end of part B (black colour).
- the two components are completely mixed.
The complete mixing is reached only after that the product, obtained by mixing the two component, comes out from the mixer with an uniform colour. Now the cartridge is ready to be used.

5) Inject resin into the hole up to fill it 2/3rds. In hollow bricks use the plastic sleeve and inject the resin inside.

6) Use a threaded stud with 45° cut in the side to the hole. Before insert the rod, verify that the element is dry and free oil and other contaminants. Insert threaded stud turning back and forth to avoid presence of air in the fitted hole.

7) For the installation and the following anchor load phase, respect the open time and curing time detailed in the technical data sheet and in the label of the product.

8) Before to load the anchor, check the hardened of the product.

9) The cartridge can be used again screwing the cup and replacing the mixer. Remember to eject a first part of the product, see point C. With the new version 165 ml. with tubolar foil (old version 150 ml.) the piston is not required.